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A Luxurious Wellesley Property Redefines Outdoor Living

景观创作,Gregory Lombardi设计,Wellesley, Sport Court

(Photography: Neil Landino)

In recent years, a remarkable trend has taken root, capturing the imagination of homeowners, architects, 设计师们也一样:包罗万象的户外生活空间的兴起. 这种现象使传统的后院演变成一个多功能的避风港, where relaxation, entertainment, and nature converge. As new technology and materials surface, the sky's the limit when it comes to outdoor possibilities, as exemplified by this luxuriously livable Wellesley property.

景观创作,Gregory Lombardi设计,Wellesley, Fire Feature(Photography: Neil Landino)

在这个大型项目的掌舵人是景观设计师Troy Sober Gregory Lombardi Design, 在项目的初始阶段,谁负责协调客户的新住宅与自然环境. Under the skillful execution of Landscape Creations, the design team’s vision came to life, 从而形成了一个广阔的户外娱乐区杰作, such as a swimming pool with an elegant cascading spa, a stone terrace adorned with a fire feature, an outdoor kitchen and dining space, a serene retractable screened-in porch, and a designated play lawn. Fast forward approximately five years, 随着同样的团队再次被召集,故事继续展开. This time, 任务是将原有的房产与相邻的地块连接起来, 为终极家庭游乐场带来了大量的新设施.

景观创作,Gregory Lombardi设计,Wellesley,游泳池,水疗中心(Photography: Neil Landino)

“我们努力为家庭创造一个私人绿洲,主要围绕体验户外活动,” explains Sober. This outdoor utopia includes a sports court and spectator area, a sledding hill, a vegetable garden, an apple orchard, and a nature trail adorned with edible flora. With Wi-Fi integrated throughout the property, extensive smart sound, lighting, 灌溉系统确保了所有设施的易用性. 由一系列精心设计的定制长凳连接, terraces, pathways, and ramps, the serene retreat caters to family and friends of all ages. “The court itself is a central hub, 但是通往它的道路会穿过各种各样的植物群落,为孩子们创造有趣的探索,” says Sober. “Surrounding the open play lawn, seasonal color attracts pollinators and bird life, and balances the vegetable gardens.” 

景观创作,格雷戈里隆巴迪设计,韦尔斯利,景观(Photography: Neil Landino)

宁静的绿洲把游客带到一个自然奇观的境界, 硬景观和植物的融合与住宅的建筑材料相协调, 推进在项目初始阶段启动的工作. “当我们实施新设计时,我们密切关注现有元素的美学和结构. Ideally, 成品被编织在景观中,看起来好像它一直在那里,” says Jon Zeyl, CEO of Landscape Creations.

景观创作,Gregory Lombardi设计,Wellesley, Hardscape(Photography: Neil Landino)

景观也经过精心设计,以减轻噪音和促进隐私, 有丰富的常绿树木,补充现有的成熟树木, and conceal the view of the street. 场地的地形变化被用于设计的优势,在山坡上巧妙地创造了非正式的俯瞰, 例如一个体育场地观众区,两侧是挡土墙,在房产边缘附近营造隐居环境. “上层和下层之间的过渡允许使用植被来软化表面,并独特地加强每个空间,” explains Sober. 

景观创作,Gregory Lombardi设计,Wellesley, Sport Court Overlook(Photography: Landino Photo)

这种规模和复杂性的项目需要精心挑选的景观承包商来熟练地执行它们. 景观创作通过将行业中最优秀的工匠与专业的项目经理和管理人员配对来确保最佳效果,从而使自己脱颖而出. Set within the bustling Wellesley neighborhood, creating a rural oasis for family leisure was no small feat. “在房产契约中协商一项重要的排水地役权的复杂性, insufficient water supply, accommodating difficult terrain, 遵守镇上严格的树木移除和更换条例是我们面临的障碍之一,” adds Peter Hunt, Project Development Manager at Landscape Creations. While the challenges were considerable, 该项目的成果说明了两个团队的奉献精神和专业知识. 

景观创作,Gregory Lombardi设计,Wellesley, Sport Court(Photography: Neil Landino)

全方位户外生活空间的发展趋势在这个物业中得到了充分的体现. It stands as a testament to the marriage of innovation, design prowess, and meticulous execution, reshaping our perception of outdoor living.



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